Chloe Climbing a Tree |
We went camping Easter Weekend in northern Arizona. The weather was beautiful and mild and we enjoyed a hike to the little lake as well as an Easter egg hunt on Sunday morning. Chloe and I were the resident beauticians, braiding everyone's hair and, like usual, Wyatt was the resident comedian. One of the other families who went brought craft supplies so the kids could make wind chimes.
At lookout point on the drive home |
On the way home, we took the scenic route and discovered an awesome lookout point where we could see a lot of the valley. If the day were more clear, we probably could've seen the whole expanse.
The Zipper! |
Jillian and her band class went to the Maricopa County Fair to preform and got to spend the rest of the day at the fair riding the rides. I was also fortunate enough to chaperone this same field trip for Nathan and Chloe. Jillian was, by far, the most brave of the biggies. She eagerly jumped into line for the most exciting, adrenaline pumping rides including my personal favorite - the Zipper. Because of other students wanting to ride and needing at least two kids per car, she actually went on it 3 times in a row because there wasn't anyone else willing to go. She had a blast. Because the band preformed on the first day of the fair and at 11 in the morning, the midway was almost empty and there were virtually no lines for the rides.

This is Wyatt on his Jeep. In the background is Jordan's bike and Grandpa's truck. They had come to visit on a Sunday afternoon. On this day, Wyatt and Nathan were driving around together - Nathan on his little dirt bike. Jordan even rode the little dirt bike around with Wyatt. He loves it so much. The girls ride around the back yard with him on their bikes too. He's a lucky little boy.
Jillian on the bull |
For Jillian's birthday we took two of her friends and the other kids to JumpStreet, a local trampoline park. Coy's family met us there. The kids jumped and rode the mechanical bull, climbed the walking sticks, played dodgeball, jumped into the foam pit, played basketball and had a great time for two hours. Then they were "starving" so we headed over to Coy's house where we intended to have a bar-b-que, but changed to having pizza instead in the interest of time.
Gwen, Jillian and Isabel |
Nathan recently had a birthday too, but opted out of a party this year. We made him a little cake and sang to him here but he wants to get a present instead of a party. Seems that being a teenager is too old for a birthday party. Seems impossible for me to have a teenager!
Lauren and Wyatt in the bouncy house |
Chloe's birthday is coming up soon too. She'll be 12. She is deciding between having her room redone and going to JumpStreet too. She wants Grandpa to build her a shelf, wants to paint one wall pink and some other little decorations.
And then, Lowell and I have our 15 year anniversary in June, right after Wyatt turns 4. Time is flying. I don't know how we're going to celebrate our anniversary... Maybe just a stay-cation :)
I'm sure Wyatt will want a party - especially to hang out with his friend Lauren, pictured here with him. And his other friends Layton and London -- Chloe's best friend's little sisters. More info and pictures to come. :)