Well, a lot has happened in a very short time.. We've taken our trip to Arizona and had a great time! We put in quite a few applications for Lowell and a couple for me. Now we're just waiting and praying to hear something. Wether we hear something right away or not, we've decided that God wants us to move, so He won't be saying 'no', we may just be getting a "Wait". Wait is always a difficult answer to deal with, but we're commited to listening to what God wants us to do and to do this His way instead of forcing the issue and moving before we're supposed to. (I'm not nearly as calm as I sound, I'm just really praying for peace and for us to be able to move soon!!! :)
We took the kids this time so that they have an idea, now, of where we're going. With only one or two exceptions, they've expressed nothing but excitement about moving. They were fascinated by the escalators in the mall, they loved the freeways, had a blast watching so many airplanes fly over, and had
a fabulous day at the zoo! We saw penguins, tigers, monkeys, birds, fish (they have a new aquarium) and, of course, the giraffes! :) I got to pet one! (Highlight of the day for me!) There were also babies all over! There were baby giraffes, baby singing dogs and baby monkeys! And in the petting zoo, there were baby goats and baby deer! The kids also loved spending time with Abby and Matt. (or Brad as they called him. (confusing h
im with their uncle :)) They also loved the weather. We were swimming at the motel, when it was raining and almost snowing here at home.
School is good. Actually, its kind of hard this semester. I don't know if its just because I'm working and packing and volunteering and trying to keep the house from exploding due to dirty laundry or what, but I seem to be sooo busy. And I'm struggling to get assignments in on time. I don't think it helps that my wifi didn't work when we were in Phoenix, so I had to catch up on an entire week's worth of homework. Yikes! So, now I'm feeling burnt out and unfortunately there is no break in sight! Thankfully, I'm halfway through this quarter... This means I only have 10 weeks until graduation!!!!! It doesn't help that I have quite a drill sergent for a professor in one of my classes... Lowell is very excited about nearing my graduation, however the excitement hasn't caught on yet. I think it's because I've taken so long to get to this place, that I don't think of it as a very big accomplishment. Oh well. At least I'll be ready to start my masters in the fall like I had planned. Thank you Lord!
We took the kids this time so that they have an idea, now, of where we're going. With only one or two exceptions, they've expressed nothing but excitement about moving. They were fascinated by the escalators in the mall, they loved the freeways, had a blast watching so many airplanes fly over, and had
School is good. Actually, its kind of hard this semester. I don't know if its just because I'm working and packing and volunteering and trying to keep the house from exploding due to dirty laundry or what, but I seem to be sooo busy. And I'm struggling to get assignments in on time. I don't think it helps that my wifi didn't work when we were in Phoenix, so I had to catch up on an entire week's worth of homework. Yikes! So, now I'm feeling burnt out and unfortunately there is no break in sight! Thankfully, I'm halfway through this quarter... This means I only have 10 weeks until graduation!!!!! It doesn't help that I have quite a drill sergent for a professor in one of my classes... Lowell is very excited about nearing my graduation, however the excitement hasn't caught on yet. I think it's because I've taken so long to get to this place, that I don't think of it as a very big accomplishment. Oh well. At least I'll be ready to start my masters in the fall like I had planned. Thank you Lord!
Lowell is still going to his job that he really doesn't like, but thankfully this week hasn't been that difficult. We also did our taxes lately and got good news about our refund. That is very good news because whenever we find jobs, we'll be ready to go! So, Lord, it's in Your hands... Now I guess I should start taking this packing thing more seriously... :) My father-in-law, bless his heart, said that because I have so long to pack, I should really try to get boxes that are all the same size because it helps so much with moving... Well, so far I haven't been able to find 200 free boxes that are all the same size, but I'm still looking! :)