Work is going well. I have clients that I really like and I feel like I'm making at least some progress with almost all of them. I do have one who makes me feel completely stuck; I just don't know what to do to help this person. And then I also have a client who was born the year I graduated high school. That made me feel pretty old. Lol.
The kids are doing really well. The big kids have their Christmas programs this week. Tonight was the girls'. They had a lot of fun and did fantastically. I am very proud of them. Nathan's parade is Saturday and then his concert is Tuesday. They are also working on Christmas projects and they have a holiday shoppe where they can buy little trinkets for their siblings, friends, family etc. at school.
As for me, I'm almost completely done Christmas shopping. I have a couple things I am ordering online that I haven't actually ordered yet and I have one more gift for Lowell to buy. Other than that, I'm done. Now comes the irritating part - waiting until Christmas so my family can open and enjoy the gifts I've been going all over town to get them! :)
Wyatt has become mobile. He doesn't exactly crawl yet, he "inchworms". He will pull up his legs and then slide his upper body forward. I don't believe this movement is specifically for the purpose of getting from one place to another, he seems to do it just because he's irritated with being on the floor. He can move quite quickly from one side of a room to the other, however simply by rolling over. And over. And over. Its amusing to watch him and the big kids love to see how far he can go around the room.
And then, this morning.. I was not thrilled about getting out of my nice warm bed but Wyatt was laying in his crib talking and wanting attention. Chloe came in the bedroom and starting talking to him, telling him how much she loves him, and then she took him out into the living room where I could hear the other kids ooohhhwwwing and aaahhhwwwing over him as well. And then, to go even further, Chloe comes into the bedroom and asks where I put the diapers so that she can change him.
My daughter asked if she could change Wyatts diaper. Again, I have no words.
All I can say is, I am blessed. Blessed. Overly and abundantly blessed. I have such wonderful children.
1 comment:
Wow! What kids! Love the picture of them, too!
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