Almost as if it was an answer to prayer -- and I believe it was! -- I stumbled upon this post this morning... Read it and find grace, as I did.
"Sometimes I wonder if I’ve completely ruined my kids. I see them copying the sin that have tried to lay down over and over again, and I’m certain. I did it. I ruined them.
But here's the really amazing thing about our God. He's bigger than our many {many} failures.
Granted He calls us as moms to train up our kids in the ways of the Lord — continually and purposefully. And our training does have an effect. But we will not do it perfectly. At times we won't even do it well.
But our God is bigger than our failures.
If we depend upon our list of mommy-successes to change our kids, then we flirt with parental-legalism. Only One transforms hearts. And it’s not us, no matter how perfect we try to be.
Our kids growing in the knowledge and sanctifying work of our Lord comes completely by His great grace and undeserved mercy. He allows us to be a part of the seed-planting process. But we can't save them. And our failures aren’t bigger than our God.
When we fail, we confess. We just agree with God that in our flesh we are really stinkified. (Yeah, I made that up.) Then we stand up and move on, continuing with our imperfect reflection.
He graces every moment with new mercies."
As I mentioned, I've been sick for the past couple days... I would be woefully derelict in my duties as photographer, blogger and mom if I didn't take this opportunity to share what has been giving me joy recently. Every time I look at him, call his name or walk into a room, this is the expression I am blessed with... I love the huge grin, the drool dripping off his little chin and the baby cleavage!!! Is there anything better than that?
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