I wrote this post on Thursday. I took these pictures Friday because I recognized the irony. Probably you will too.
I read a friend's blog today. She was talking about how chaotic her family is. I don't feel chaos in my house. I know that we're busy; we've got school projects, Lowell's insane schedule, crazy everyday situations like living for 2 1/2 months without a water heater... And I've got a fairly crazy job, at least when I look at it from an outsider's perspective. And, theres the fact that we have four kids. And three kittens. And I'm getting my master's degree. And we're broke.
But I don't feel chaos. I honestly feel peace. I get stressed and overwhelmed and rundown and somedays I would give anything for a break from all my responsibilities... But, on most days, my saner days, I look around and realize just how blessed we are. There isn't yelling in our house. There isn't abuse or addiction. We aren't doing without clothes, shoes, food, etc. My husband loves me and our kids - fiercely. And I have Christ. As my best friend. That's about the coolest thing on the planet.
So, yeah, there's moments where I can't hear myself think because of three different stereos playing three different songs, and I can't walk into the bathroom because they believe "hamper" is a euphemisim for floor, and I can't cook until I do dishes because every utensil we own is dirty, and I can't pee without someone coming in because they simply
have to tell me about this dream they had last night.... But I wouldn't have it any other way. This craziness is my peace. Its my sanctuary and my respite from a very scary, very dark, very chaotic world. Inside these walls, we're ok. We've got love and laughter and peace and arguing and forgiveness and hope and Jesus.
Count me in!
One of the forts the kids built |
Nathan's fort on/under the kitchen table |
Jillian's room... |
My room in the middle of furniture rearrangement |
My kitchen after Lowell brought home 5 boxes of fruits and veggies |
Thanks for sharing! I appreciate your perspective. It really adjusted my attitude today!
I love it!
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