It seems unbelievable that its been so long since I've posted. And, additionally, this is my 395th post. It hasn't been consistent, but I'm so thankful that I've recorded our life (intermittently) over the past few years! I just spent some time reading over some past entries and I'm so thankful that I took the time to record those memories; to memorialize those moments. Whether its genetic or due to my epilepsy, I have a very hard time remembering things and there are so many precious things to remember as a mother. Here I have a record of some of those priceless comments, the frustrating days, the beautiful pictures and the hilarious antics of my little family.

We recently celebrated Thanksgiving and there were so many things to be Thankful for. The day was peaceful and wonderful. It was just the six of us and Dad and not stressful in the slightest. We prepped food the night before and then Lowell helped me cook the main dishes Thursday. We managed to watch all three football games, played some board games, made lists of the things we are thankful for and had a genuinely good day.

We were also bombarded with household issues recently. We have had on-going issues with our pool pump and the water softener system but then experience the death of one of our toilets, our garbage disposal and our hot water heater. All in a period of about 3 weeks. We're still working on the water softener and the pool pump because they were lowest on the priority list but we've since taken care of the other three - one due to a little help from our church for which I'm incredibly grateful! You never really know how much you appreciate hot water until you live awhile without it.

Personally, I experienced a recent triumph. I passed my LAC test!!! I haven't gotten the official letter in the mail yet, allowing me to change my title to "Rani Trent, LAC" but all the I need to do is done. Now I'm working toward professional, independent licensure that comes after accumulating 1800 client hours. If I had taken the test immediately after graduation like I should've, I would be at around 1600 hours presently. C'est la vie. Live and learn, right? I'm focusing on the positive - and the truth is, its a big accomplishment and I'm proud of myself.
Halloween |
I have to say, however, that it wouldn't have been possible without the support of my family. My kiddos put up with me being gone evenings to classes and locking myself in my room or running away to Wifi to work on school work and also ended up coming to every class with me for a semester when we only had one car. The kids have been so helpful with chores and watching Wyatt so I could study.
Go Minotaurs! |
My husband has worked hard to make up for the financial strain and has picked up the slack around the house too. He's cooked dinners, cleaned floors, done laundry and even wiped a few noses and at least one dirty bottom to allow me to go to school, study for my test, and now work at a job a love which keeps me away evenings. I don't know what I would do without him but I know I wouldn't be the woman I am today without the blessing of him in my life.
Rani Trent, LAC |
With my license, I'm able to continue in my current position helping victims of crime, focusing mainly on those who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault or child sex abuse. Both my education and my life experiences have combined to put me in this place where I am equipped to reach out and empathize with people who are hurting. There are days I question God about why He placed me in this field, working with these people, in a job that can be so heart-wrenching. And then there are days when I get to see healing, where I am present for the moments where people are finally freed from years of guilt and shame. I honestly believe I have been created for this job, for this calling, and that all that I have experienced has been for the purpose of helping others. I'm so blessed to have a family that supports me and allows me to do this.