Chloe - 12 years old |
Jillian - 10 years old |
My Babies! Picture day 2015
Nathan - 13 years old |
Taken 4th of July |
Fourth of July was spent celebrating with Coy and his family as well as at our traditional place at Youngker here in Buckeye.
On the 3rd, we went to Lake Pleasant and swam and then watched the fireworks over the water. Jordan came too so that was a lot of fun this year! Then for the 4th, we stayed home and rested most of the day and then went over just before the fireworks. We found a secluded spot and basically got a front row seat all by ourselves. I love 4th of July so much and love spending time with our little family!
Our photo day this spring was at a school in Palm Valley, at the park with the water and outside Target, lol. I love taking pictures with my beautiful family and my babies! :) So blessed to have these little humans in my life!
Wyatt - 4 years old |
Hard to believe its already almost the end of August and we'll be doing fall pictures soon. My kids are growing so fast - time is flying. I was recently reminded of the quote that says the days are long but the years are short - a lot of truth in that. Monday the kids will be starting school again and we'll be back into the rapid fire days of school, work, daycare, practices, homework, dinner and sleep. Soon it'll be Halloween, then Thanksgiving and then Christmas. And, before I know it, it'll be 2016. Mind boggling.
Your kids are beautiful--all 4 of them!!
I'm so glad to read about you guys and what you've been up to. What a gorgeous family! (Also, I love, love, love that quote.)
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