Believe it or not, this is a house where the kids and I enjoyed half of our Saturday. There was a private party organized for the families of the kids who go to Odyssey school. While there, I met the owners of the home and learned that they go to our church too. They were both very nice. The husband is a contractor and the wife is a real estate agent. The kids had such a good time. If you look closely you can see Jillian and Nathan lying on the merry go round. When I took this picture, Chloe was in the pool. She and her friend Talon were jumping off the ledge.

The pool, deep end, diving board and 40 ft. waterslide seen here, and the river and hot tub (Just off to the right of this picture) were the kids' favorite part of the day. The water was pretty cold, but they braved it nonetheless.
Nathan and Chloe both jumped off this ledge multiple times and swam underneath the waterfall as well. Jillian tried the waterslide a couple times, but (even to me) IT WAS FAST!!! She wasn't so much scared by the waterslide, but she was unsure about swimming to a safe zone once she was dumped off the end. The water was 10 feet deep and it was quite a swim from one side to the other. I couldn't get in the water to help her because it was just too cold for Wyatt.

To the right of this picture is the volleyball court and the huge garage that they are currently using as a reception hall for weddings etc. The airplane you can see in the bottom of the picture is a tetter-totter. This picture was taken early in the day before most of the people arrived. They split the day into two sections -- kindergarten - 4th graders were welcome from 9-12pm and then the older students came at 1. We got there at 9:15 and it was fun to watch the people arrive and marvel at the facilities. Almost without fail, people would show up, look around, and then get their cell phone out and call someone. :)

This is the shallow end of the pool. The palm tree off to the left of this picture sprayed water too, but it was turned off. In the background, you can see the house. This picture is taken looking toward their living room. They had a huge fireplace with a beautiful sign above it that said "Fear Not for I have overcome the world" One of the girls who live in the house was acting as a lifeguard for the party. I went over to talk to her and found out she is expecting a baby. I had Wyatt in the little front pack thing. She asked me for some advice about baby stuff. I hope I run into them at church so I can say Hello.
I made sure each of the kids went to the homeowners and thanked them but it would be nice for them to make a thank you card to give the Sosnicki's.

Jillian's favorite part of the day was that she got to spend time with her friend Kristen who went to the Goodyear campus of Odyssey this year. It was great because I was able to talk to her mom and exchange contact info so that the girls can get together soon! Kristen has an older brother who is Chloe's age. He likes Star Wars, so I think this might be a match made in heaven -- Nathan doesn't have a lot of friends who like Star Wars. We have a play date already set for next weekend but maybe for the weekend after that one. Chloe has a little friend who had a sleepover a couple months ago that she would like to have over so we should be able to make everyone happy. :) Another part of the grounds that you can't see in these pictures was the trampoline. The special thing about this trampoline was that it was set into the ground. The bouncy part of the trampoline was at ground level, so it was like the ground was bouncy! There was a sign asking for there to be only one child on the trampoline at a time and because I wanted them to follow the rules, they only bounced a couple times. They just didn't have the patience to wait for all the other kids who weren't taking turns.

This is Chloe jumping off the waterfall. She was quite the daredevil. :) There was also a petting zoo off to the side of the house. They had an adult pot-bellied pig and a little piglet, a big white bunny, a pygmy goat, a pony, two tortoses, a lamb and a bunch of birds in a big cage. During the party, they let the kids into the pens to help feed the animals. Jillian and Kristen went in but Nathan and Chloe were too entertained with the pool and the merry-go-round. I have a hard time believing they will forget about this day any time soon!!!
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