Saturday, October 16, 2010


I have to fill out my practicum application. Its 21 pages. And I'm avoiding it.
I have been avoiding it for 3 months now.
And now I've learned that I have to submit this application 16 weeks before I begin my practicum... That creates a problem because I am 8 weeks away from finishing my classes. So, I either have to take 8 weeks off and just work or I have to find a way to make an exception.
Honestly, I was REALLY happy for the break! I need a break soooo badly.
But Lowell doesn't want me to lose my momentum. I have 6 months to complete my 600 hours of practicum. And I will need to take my licensure exam in February. And, assuming that I pass my test, I'll graduate in May.
Then I'll have two years of internship. I know I've shared this with everyone before, but it helps for me to remind myself that there is an end to this process. It has taken soooo much longer than I thought it would. I wasn't expecting a two year internship process but at least I'm close to graduation.
Now I just have to fill out this application. Today.
And find a new job where I can do my practicum. Within the next 2 weeks.
No pressure.

1 comment:

Stony and Brit said...

Good grief Rani!! I hope you are holding up okay! I will keep you in my prayers!