Friday, July 2, 2010

Blessings in Tough Times

God is so wonderful. I am sooooo blessed. And I'm really thankful that I still feel that way, even when things are tough. I can still look to Him and know that He's working in our lives. This month Lowell and I decided to help a friend of ours. It took a lot of money out of our pockets and made things kind of tight... And we were okay with that because we knew that we were sharing God's love and we knew that He would meet all our needs "according to His riches". And then we got a huge blessing in the mail today that was completely unexpected. It was like God was reminding us that its all His anyway... We used the resources that He's entrusted to us to help another person and in turn, He provided us with more resources. That's what He does. The Bible says that God loves to bless His children. :)
We are especially thankful at this time in our lives because this is the beginning of a new fiscal year... There are a lot of people who are getting bad news at work... And at our respective meetings for work, Lowell learned that he's being promoted and getting a raise and I also got a raise. Because of my job, I see people who aren't employed all the time. I go to the job fairs and see the husbands and wives together, both in line, both unemployed. And I'm reminded of just how preciously blessed we are. And how desperately this nation needs prayer right now. So, I'm again on my knees thanking God for His wonderful provision in our lives and praying for those who I know are struggling. I pray that they will feel His presence and know that He is with them, providing for their needs and loving on them even though life is tough.

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